Lhoroq (LOHR ohk) Alliance: Consortium
"Respect chaos, lest chaos consumes you."
Male: 5', 95lb
Female: 4'7", 80lb
Population %; 55% Male, 45% female
Universal population; estimated over 9 billion
Typical names; Family names: Moroch, Prembuk, Gherlik, Hevok, Yooshok Male names: Previi, Englip, Lushew, Jelsh. Female names: Previa, Enni, Lushi, Jel
Typical Build; Small. Stocky or thin might be appropriate.
Typical Alignment; Chaotic, Conscientious or Depraved
Lhoroq (LOHR ock), from a young age, are taught, “Respect chaos, lest chaos consume you.” The race embraces chaos and the randomness of the Universe in a ballet of discordant chords and refrains. Lhoroq enjoy the challenge of life itself as well as the intrigue of mysteries and puzzles. A good way to keep a Lhoroq busy is to give them a tome of mind twisting games. They tend to be very curious, they love secrets, and are known to be quite fearless in the face of overwhelming odds. One thing the race hates is the mundane... A Lhoroq would rather be in a fight for his life than live out his days in peaceful tedium. One thing most other races that know Lhoroq will agree to is that the race seems to love the sound of their own voice. Conversation is seen as both an art form and a sport to the Lhoroq. Those skilled in debating, storytelling, poetry and song are highly regarded by the Lhoroq.
Before the formation of the Universal Alliance, the Kafori met the Lhoroq. From the start, the races disliked each other. The Kafori thought it was a waste for Lhoroq to live out their comparatively short lives on such chaotic and potentially hazardous pursuits. The Lhoroq envied the Kafori for their long lives, which, of course, the Lhoroq felt were wasted on serene meditation and otherwise ‘safe’ activities. Over trade disputes and other issues, the Lhoroq started a war with the Kafori just prior to the formation of the Universal Alliance. The Lhoroq technology was nowhere near as advanced as the Kafori’s, however, so it was a short war, with little loss of life on either side. In modern times, generally, Kafori try to avoid the Lhoroq when at all possible, while the Lhoroq seem to go out of their way to antagonize any Kafori they come across. In 150AE, when the WroGrath came to the Lhoroq homeworld, Vestubi, the Lhoroq willingly and wholeheartedly joined their Galactic Consortium.
Physical variance
Short, squat humanoids. Hair color is comparable to Humans, but more exotic colors are possible. Eye color is very bright blue, green, red, yellow or orange. Skin tone is light shades similar to Human, but can have a bluish or gray tinge.
Perceptive & quick. Highly resistant to Psionics. Powerfully psionic, but psi abilities are "Wild". Lhoroq do not need to buy the “psionic training” quirk; They may buy any psionic technique as if it were a normal skill. The down side is, that any technique bought this way is more unpredictable. Once they buy a “psionic training” quirk, though, they lose this option, but their psionics become stable. More susceptable to illness. Soft bodied and weak of spirit. Animal antipathy.
Extraverted. Very unpredictable & chaotic nature. The Lhoroq mindset is considered hard to fathom for many other races, especially those races that have a more lawful nature. Seem to be flippant and uncaring of the consequences of their own actions at times.
Homeworld Data
Parent star: Selubis is a medium yellow dwarf star. The planet Selubis III is known as Vestubi.
Dist: Sagittarius Arm of the Galaxy, 2205LY from Earth.
Gravity: 0.91
Timetables: 22 hour day, 402 day year. Vestubi is a geologically active forest planet in the Selubis star system. Vestubi is known for its wild, unpredictable seasons and thin atmosphere which leads to a higher than average incidence of meteor strikes compared to other Earth-like planets.
A diverse variety of plant and animal life forms exist on Vestubi. All seem to be rather wild and chaotic.
![]() Lhoroq Boch'Gras Class destroyer. 18,900 tons |
As advanced as any of the other Consortium allied races. Stealth and cloaking technologies are common. Weapon technology, while accurate, lacks the overall punch of some other races. Lhoroq rely more on speed and subterfuge than raw force.
Biological Data
Pulse; 80p/min
Resp; 20p/min
Temp; 100°f (38°c)
Atmosphere Req; Nitrogen 75%, Oxygen 24%, 1% other
Notes; Diurnal omnivores. Short, squat humanoids. Hair color is comparable to Humans, but more exotic colors are possible. Eye color is very bright blue, green, red, yellow or orange. Skin tone is light shades similar to Human, but can have a bluish or gray tinge. Diurnal omnivores, Lhoroq have similar biology to most other Humanoid races, except that the Lhoroq have highly efficient lungs, three hearts, and no centralized liver.
Reproduction; Reproduction is sexual, with a seven month gestation. Single births are most common. Marriage is an alien concept to the easily bored and impulsive Lhoroq. A lifelong commitment to one sexual partner would be an abhorrent, incomprehensible situation. Children take the family name of whichever parent raised them, usually the mother’s.
Aging: Lhoroq age in a manner typical to most humanoid races, however, puberty is reached by age 5.
Child | 1-5 |
Adolescent | 6-12 |
Adult | 13-95 |
Middle Age | 96-180 |
Old | 181-250 |
Ancient | 251+ |
Record | 303 |
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