First power: Elemental
Prerequisites: Aura Ø, Spirit +2
![]() | Earth; Resistance, Strength, Nature. | ![]() | Fire; Destruction. |
![]() | Water; Recovery, clarity, ice. | ![]() | Wind; Flight, sound, lightning. |
Second power: Gray
Prerequisites: Aura +1, Spirit +3
![]() | Darkness; Blindness, shadows, obscuring. | ![]() | Light, Illumination, illusions. |
![]() | Space, Teleport, Gravity, Force |
![]() | Time, Haste, Slow, Duration & Timing |
Third power: Balance
Prerequisites: Aura +2, Spirit +4
![]() | Chaos; Confusion, Unjoining, randomness. | ![]() | Order; Thought, Control, organization. |
Fourth power: Divinity
Prerequisites: Aura +3, Spirit +5
![]() | Death; Harming, Necromancy. | ![]() | Life; Healing, Protection. |
Click for full spell descriptions
There are two paths to learning magick.
You can choose only one path; Evocation (The Mage) or Invocation (The Priest).
Evocation is based on one's intelligence, and requires strict regimented training. (High Intelligence improves casting speed, lessens side effect chance, and helps in learning techniques, also called “spells”.) This is the true "Mage". This path starts slower, but has the most diversity and power later on. You must choose one Element (Earth, Fire, Water or Wind) as your basis, and then work your way up from there. This element must always be maintained at the highest rating amongst any magick disciplines you possess. The element you choose will determine what other disciplines are available to you. (See progression chart, below) Each progressive power of magick must be maintained at least one level lower than the power below it.
You may not purchase the opposing element to your base element. (Fire opposes Water, and Earth opposes Wind.) You may, however, take the other two elements to complement your base element. In the third and fourth tiers of power, you may only take one or the other: You may not have Chaos if you have Order, and you may not have Death if you have Life.
By indicating the character is an Evoker, they automatically get the abilities of “Read Magick Script” and “Detect Magick” Equal to their highest Magick Discipline.
Progression: These are the prerequisite disciplines needed to get the higher discipline desired.
Fire or Wind progress to Light
Fire or Earth progress to Time
Water or Earth progress to Darkness
Water or Wind progress to Space
Light or Time progress to Order
Darkness or Space progress to Chaos
Order or Chaos progresses to Life
Chaos or Order progresses to Death
Invocation is the path of the faithful "Priest". It is a path based on understanding or charisma. This is magick founded on one’s convictions, and has restrictions derived from one's devotion to a specific religion. You can start with higher Powers of magick than would be allowed as an evoker, but you are restricted on others, based on your faith. (See info on Religions for more details.) Invokers start steady, and stay steady. To become an invoker, you must take a “Faith” skill related to your religion as your career skill. (E.g.; “Faith: Khembris”) This is because only the most faithful of a specific religion can become invokers. (High Wisdom improves casting speed, lessens side effect chance, and helps in learning techniques. In some religions, Wisdom may be replaced by another attribute, as in the importance of “Personality” for a priestess of ShenSharae.) Keep in mind, most spellcasting religions do not refer to what they do as "Spells", but "Miracles".
Another advantage to Invocation is in the ability to summon a creature specific to one’s religion. In order to be allowed this summoning incantation, you must already possess all the available disciplines available to you. No magus outside of the religion can do this. A religion specific denizen, or “Servant”, will have all of the abilities and be able to cast all spells listed in all of the disciplines available to a cleric of the religion, as well as all combination spells, based upon its level. You do not need to take “Call Servant of god” as a spell. The feat is accomplished as a function of the “Faith” skill itself.
In the case where a religion has a choice of one discipline from a tier of power (as in “pick one elemental” etc) this must be chosen randomly by the narrator at the time of summoning.
Alignment & Spellcasting: Certain alignments will affect the way you use magick.
Alignment | Forbidden disciplines | Attuned disciplines (+1 die) | Notes |
Virtued | Death, Chaos | Life, Order | -5 Chance of side effects, -5 speed |
Ethical | Death | Life | -3 Chance of side effects, -3 speed |
Moral | Death | None | None |
Conscientious | Order | None | +3 Chance of side effects, +3 speed |
Lawful | Chaos | Order | -4 Chance of side effects, -4 speed |
Neutral | None | None | None |
Chaotic | Order | Chaos | +4 Chance of side effects, +4 speed |
Deviate | Chaos | None | -3 Chance of side effects, -3 speed |
Amoral | Life | None | None |
Depraved | Life | Death | +3 Chance of side effects, +3 speed |
Fiendish | Life, Order | Death, Chaos | +5 Chance of side effects, +5 speed |
Abilities are permanent benefits affecting the spell caster. You never need to activate these, as they are always on. Abilities are gained automatically as you progress in level, and bonuses stack.
You may only take the Abilities of one Discipline per tier of Power, and you must take the Abilities of your base element. (E.g. If you have the Disciplines of Space, Time and Darkness, you may only take the Abilities from one of them, but you still get the spell slots from all.)
You must buy your spells progressively; level by level. IE: You must buy your spells for Beginner level before you buy the spells for Novice, etc.
Combo spells: You must have the appropriate level in both (or all) disciplines in order to get the desired combo spell. You must spend a spell slot from each discipline as well, to get the spell. (Bonuses to the spell also cost additional spell slots from each discipline.)
For the order of penetration for shields, it depends on who casts the shield. If the shield is cast on oneself, the one hit first is the one first cast. If cast on another person, the shield hit first is the one cast last. Example: a mage first casts an "Earth shield" upon himself, then casts "Time shield" on himself. An enemy then shoots at him. The attack would first hit the Earth shield, then if it penetrated, it would have to deal with the Time shield. In the case of a mage casting shields on others, the opposite order applies.
Difficulty: This value represents how hard it is to successfully cast the spell. Your Discipline's level helps in the ease of casting. When casting a spell that has more than one Discipline, you use the lowest rated Discipline.
The difficulty available to the character is dependant on their rating in the discipline:
Speed: The lower the number is that’s listed under 'speed', the longer the time is that’s required to manifest the technique. A technique with a speed of "Ø" is manifested immediately. On the other hand, a technique with a speed of "-15" takes a long time to pull off. The final “speed” value is adjusted from the character’s Initiative in combat.
Aura: The value of your character’s Aura attribute affects the manifestation of the spell. The Aura’s value is added to (subtracted from, in the case of an Aura below Ø”) the general “Umpf” factor of the spell. Aura adds to such things as damage, and to the difficulty of a target’s attempt to resist a specific spell effect. If in doubt, factor in the spellcaster’s Aura.
Spirit: Your character’s Spirit attribute is his “battery” for casting spells. The higher the attribute, the more stamina you have for casting spells. You can cast a specific spell in your repertoire as often as you desire, but each casting tires you out some. The higher the bonus of a specific technique, the more effective it is, and the less tiring it is. Spells and abilities can be “pushed”, increasing their effectiveness, by using extra concentration and time, but this is generally more tiring than casting normally.
Side effects: When casting a spell, (Or sometimes using an ability) there’s a chance of unforeseen happenings that may be a benefit, but are more often a detriment, to the character. Your character’s alignment, skill level in the discipline and his Luck attribute all affect the chance of spellcasting side effects.
Level | Abilities |
Beginner | Aura of Earth, Manipulate dust, Scry crystal, Plant Empathy, Detect aura of Earth, Summon Living Earth |
Novice | Resist toxins, Skin of Wood: +1 Base Armor |
Competent | Strengthen: +1 Strength, +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Adept | Fist of stone: Improved hitting power in hand to hand, Teleport via Earth |
Proficient | Steadiness of the mountain: +1 Coord, Detect aura of Wind, +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Expert | Bolster Body: +1 Body, +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Veteran | Skin of stone: +4 Base Armor, +2 Crit level. +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Master | Strong foundation: Sturdy to the core. +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Guru | Absorb earth: Heal faster when in direct skin contact with the ground. Treat Earth spells targeted on you as healing magick of same level. +1 to previous ability of choice. |
+1 Guru level | +1 to previous ability of choice, per level. |
Normal spells: Cleanse/Pollute Earth, Earth shield, Manipulate Earth, Rock shards, Plant Telepathy (Light) Shining Stone (Death) Weaken- (Life) Bolster-
Tricky spells: Fissure, Repel Earth, Tangle of Plants (Fire) Magma, Tempered Armor (Water) Rock to Mud (Darkness) Sleep (Space) Hurl Stones (Chaos) Earthquake, Stink (Order) Call animal of Earth, Speak to animal of Earth (Death) Weaken Resistance (Life) Bolster Immunity
Challenging spells: Create Earth, Disintegrate (Water) Healing Mud, Mudslide (Time) Earth Wall (Space) Travel via Plants (Order) Petrify (Death) Kill plants (Life) Grow plants
Difficult spells: (Space) Meteor (Water & Light) Green thumb
Impossible spells: (Time) Great tree (Space & Fire) Meteor Storm
Level | Abilities |
Beginner | Aura of Fire, Manipulate smoke, Scry flame, Fire Empathy, Detect aura of Fire, Summon Living Fire |
Novice | Ignite on touch |
Competent | Fiery presence: +1 Presence, Resist heat, +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Adept | Fist of fire: add flame damage to all Hand to hand attacks, Teleport via Fire. |
Proficient | Fiery resolve: Hard to dissuade, Detect aura of Water, +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Expert | Fiery Spirit: +1 Spirit, +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Veteran | Resist Fire: +5 Vs Fire, +2 Crit level with Fist of fire. +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Master | Irrepressible volcano: High spiritual resolve, +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Guru | Absorb fire: Heal faster when in direct skin contact with flames. Treat Fire spells targeted on you as healing magick of same level. +1 to previous ability of choice. |
+1 Guru level | +1 to previous ability of choice, per level. |
Normal spells: Cleanse/Pollute fire, Fire shield, Manipulate Fire, Flame burst (Time) Persistent Flame
Tricky spells: Blinding smoke, Repel Fire (Earth) Magma, Tempered Armor (Wind) Plasma bolt (Chaos) Fireball
Challenging spells: Smelt, Create Fire, Snuff flames, Fire cage (Darkness) Darkfire (Light) Inferno (Time) Fire Wall (Order) Pillar of Fire (Wind & Chaos) Firestorm
Difficult spells: (Space) Nova Blast (Time) Eternal Flame
Impossible spells: (Death) Soulfire (Life) Cleansing flames
Level | Abilities |
Beginner | Aura of Water, Manipulate Drops, Scrying Pool, Water Empathy, Detect aura of Water, Summon Living Water |
Novice | Resist cold: +2 Vs cold, Skin of ice: +1 die Vs heat |
Competent | Serenity of water: +1 Cool, Humidify, +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Adept | Fist of ice: Add cold to all Hand to hand damage, Teleport via Water |
Proficient | Clarity: +1 Observation, Detect aura of Fire, Slight resistance to psionics. +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Expert | Clear Mind: +1 Mind, Breath Water, +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Veteran | Resist Ice: +5 Vs Ice, Increase threat with Fist of Ice. +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Master | Slippery Mind: Resistant to psionics, Cleansing Waters: good recovery Vs Toxins, +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Guru | Absorb Water: Heal faster when in direct skin contact with water. Treat Water spells targeted on you as healing magick of same level. Water Adaptation (Self) +1 to previous ability of choice. |
+1 Guru level | +1 to previous ability of choice, per level. |
Normal spells: Cleanse/Pollute Water, Ice shield, Water Movement, Manipulate Water, Ice shards (Space) Water Blast (Death) Poison (Life) Cleanse
Tricky spells: Repel Water, Freeze (Earth) Rock to Mud (Wind) Shroud of Mist, Snowstorm (Darkness) Murky Depths (Light) Clear waters (Chaos) Raging Sea (Order) Speak to animal of Water, Call animal of Water
Challenging spells: Create Water, Evaporate, Cleansing Pool, Drown (Earth) Healing Mud, Mudslide (Time) Ice Wall (Order) Water Adaptation (Death) Water to Poison (Life) Poison to Water (Chaos & Wind) Ice storm
Difficult spells: (Order) Part the Sea (Life) Healing Waters (Earth & Light) Green thumb
Impossible spells: (Life) Replenish Soul (Death & Wind) Death cloud (Life & Wind) Healing cloud (Chaos & Wind) Tsunami
Level | Abilities |
Beginner | Aura of Wind, Small Gusts, Scry, Wind Empathy, Detect aura of Wind, Summon Living Wind |
Novice | Resist wind, Fleet footed: +20% speed to run & fly, +20% Jump distance. |
Competent | Move like the Wind: +1 Agility, +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Adept | Fist of lightning: Add lightning to all Hand to hand damage, Teleport via Wind. |
Proficient | Voice of the Wind: +1 Intuition, Windswept: Limited flight and hovering, Detect aura of Earth, +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Expert | Move like the Wind: +1 Agility, Feet of the Zephyr: +30% speed to run & fly, +30% Jump distance. Quick reactions. +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Veteran | Resist Lightning: +5 Vs Electricity, Improved damage with Fist of Lightning. Lightened load. +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Master | Lightning Reflexes: Improved Initiative, +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Guru | Absorb Wind: Heal faster when in direct skin contact with wind. Treat Wind spells targeted on you as healing magick of same level. Fly Like the Wind (Self) +1 to previous ability of choice. |
+1 Guru level | +1 to previous ability of choice, per level. |
Normal spells: Cleanse/Pollute Wind, Air shield, Manipulate Wind, Deafen, Lightning
Tricky spells: Fly, Repel Wind, Sonic Blast (Fire) Plasma bolt (Water) Shroud of Mist, Snowstorm (Space) Wind Buffet (Order) Speak to animal of Wind, Call animal of Wind, Silence
Challenging spells: Create Wind, Vacuum, Air Bubble (Darkness) Dark cloud (Light) Aurora (Space) Phase, Sound Wave (Time) Wind Wall (Order) Lightning Strike (Chaos) Lightning Storm (Fire & Chaos) Firestorm (Chaos & Water) Ice storm
Difficult spells: (Time) Foretell Future, See the Past (Chaos) Tornado (Order) Air Sphere (Death) Breath of Death (Life) Breath of Life
Impossible spells: (Water & Death) Death cloud (Water & Life) Healing cloud (Chaos & Space) Bad Weather (Order & Space) Good Weather
Level | Abilities |
Beginner | Aura of Darkness, Enhance Shadows, Detect aura of Darkness, Summon Living Shadow |
Novice | Resist sunburn: +1 Vs Light |
Competent | +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Adept | None |
Proficient | Detect aura of Light |
Expert | +2 to Stealth checks. +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Veteran | None |
Master | +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Guru | Absorb Shadow: Heal faster when in direct skin contact with darkness. Treat Darkness spells targeted on you as healing magick of same level. |
+1 Guru level | +1 to previous ability of choice, per level. |
Normal spells: Shield of Shadow, Shadow Bolt, Obscure, Manipulate Shadow, Repel Light
Tricky spells: Blind, Repel Shadow (Earth) Sleep (Water) Murky Depths (Chaos) Fear (Order) Invisibility (Life) Healing slumber
Challenging spells: Globe of Shadow, Destroy Shadow (Fire) Darkfire (Wind) Dark cloud (Time) Shadow Wall (Death) Shadow Killer (Order) Decoy
Difficult spells: Shadow Form (Space) Consuming Darkness (Death & Chaos) Doomwave
Impossible spells: (Time) Eternal Darkness (Death) Soul Entrapment
Level | Abilities |
Beginner | Aura of Light, Enhance/Dim Light, Detect aura of Light, Summon Living Light |
Novice | Resist sunburn: +1 Vs Light |
Competent | +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Adept | None |
Proficient | Detect aura of Darkness |
Expert | +2 dice to Surveillance checks. +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Veteran | None |
Master | +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Guru | Absorb Light: Heal faster when in direct skin contact with light. Treat Light spells targeted on you as healing magick of same level. +1 to previous ability of choice. |
+1 Guru level | +1 to previous ability of choice, per level. |
Normal spells: Shield of Light, Flash Attack, Illuminate, Manipulate Light, Disguise, Repel Shadow (Earth) Shining Stone
Tricky spells: Stun, Repel Light, Illusion, Afterimage (Water) Clear Waters (Chaos) Spectrum split (Order) Beam of Light (Death) Phantasm
Challenging spells: Destroy Light, Displaced Image (Fire) Inferno (Wind) Aurora (Time) Wall of Light (Life) Enlightened Soul
Difficult spells: Ethereal Form (Space) All encompassing Light (Order & Life) Divine Sanctification
Impossible spells: (Time) Eternal Light (Life) Soaring Spirit
Level | Abilities |
Beginner | Aura of Space, Uncanny Direction Sense, Sense of Distance, Sleight of Hand, Detect aura of Space, Summon Living Vortex |
Novice | Teleport |
Competent | Dimension Pocket |
Adept | None |
Proficient | Teleport object |
Expert | +2 to Ranged attacks. +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Veteran | None |
Master | +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Guru | Long Range Teleport, Treat Space spells targeted on you as healing magick of same level. |
+1 Guru level | +1 to previous ability of choice, per level. |
Normal spells: Levitate, Alter Range, Warp space (Water) Water Blast
Tricky spells: Force shield, Crushing Force, Repulse (Earth) Hurl Stones (Wind) Wind Buffet
Challenging spells: Affect Gravity, Switch (Earth) Meteor, Travel via Plants (Wind) Phase, Sound Wave (Chaos) Obscure location, Reflection Shield (Order) Force sphere, True location (Death) Ranged Harm (Life) Ranged Heal
Difficult spells: (Fire) Nova Blast (Darkness) Consuming Darkness (Light) All encompassing Light (Time) Stasis Bubble (Chaos) Polymorph, Mass Switch (Order) Force wall, Switch Others (Chaos & Wind) Bad Weather (Order & Wind) Good Weather (Chaos & Time) Planar Assault (Order & Time) Greater Disenchantment
Impossible spells: Dimension Gate (Chaos) Chaos Sphere (Order) Law Sphere (Earth & Fire) Meteor Storm (Time & Order) Banish (Time & Chaos) Planar Assault
Level | Abilities |
Beginner | Aura of Time, Internal Clock, Perfect Timing, Detect aura of Time, Summon Living Time |
Novice | Resist time: +10% Lifespan |
Competent | +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Adept | None |
Proficient | Resist time: +10% Lifespan |
Expert | +2 to Quickdraw checks. +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Veteran | None |
Master | +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Guru | Slowed Aging: +25% Lifespan. Treat Time spells targeted on you as healing magick of same level. |
+1 Guru level | +1 to previous ability of choice, per level. |
Normal spells: Quicken, Slow, Alter Duration (Fire) Persistent Flame
Tricky spells: Time Shield, Delayed Effect (Chaos) Repeat (Order) Charm
Challenging spells: Contingency, Repel Time, Stasis (Earth) Earth Wall (Fire) Fire Wall (Water) Ice Wall (Wind) Wind Wall (Death) Slow Death (Life) Regeneration
Difficult spells: Permanence, Alter Age, Time Slip (Fire) Eternal Flame (Wind) Foretell Future, See the Past (Space) Stasis Bubble (Space & Order) Greater Disenchantment (Order) Rewind
Impossible spells: Erase Time (Earth) Great tree (Darkness) Eternal Darkness (Light) Eternal Light (Order) Stop Time (Space & Order) Banish (Chaos & Space) Planar Assault
Level | Abilities |
Beginner | Aura of Chaos, Detect aura of Chaos, Summon Living Chaos |
Novice | None |
Competent | Unpredictable |
Adept | +1 to previous ability of choice |
Proficient | Detect aura of Order |
Expert | Distract, Discordance |
Veteran | +1 to previous ability of choice |
Master | None |
Guru | Treat Chaos spells targeted on you as healing magick of same level. |
+1 Guru level | +1 to previous ability of choice, per 2 levels over Guru. |
Normal spells: Confuse, Aphasia, Berserk
Tricky spells: Repel Chaos, Unlock/Unbind, (Earth) Earthquake, Stink (Fire) Fireball (Darkness) Fear (Light) Spectrum surge (Time) Repeat (Space) Obscure location (Water & Wind) Ice storm
Challenging spells: Animate, Chaos Shield, Disassemble, Random, Repel Order (Water) Tsunami (Wind) Lightning Storm (Space) Reflection Shield (Fire & Wind) Firestorm
Difficult spells: Create Chaos (Wind) Tornado (Space) Polymorph, Mass Switch (Death) Bane against Order (Life) Reincarnate, Protection from Order (Death & Darkness) Doomwave
Impossible spells: Destruction (Space) Chaos Sphere (Wind & Space) Bad Weather (Space & Time) Planar Assault
Level | Abilities |
Beginner | Aura of Order, Detect aura of Order, Summon Living Order |
Novice | None |
Competent | Pristine |
Adept | +1 to previous ability of choice |
Proficient | Detect aura of Chaos |
Expert | Organized, Impress |
Veteran | +1 to previous ability of choice |
Master | None |
Guru | Treat Order spells targeted on you as healing magick of same level. |
+1 Guru level | +1 to previous ability of choice, per 2 levels over Guru. |
Normal spells: Disenchantment, Calm, Translate
Tricky spells: Bind/Lock, Command, Repel Order (Earth) Call animal of Earth, Speak to animal of Earth (Water) Call animal of Water, Speak to animal of Water (Wind) Call animal of Wind, Speak to animal of Wind, Silence (Darkness) Invisibility (Light) Beam of Light (Time) Charm
Challenging spells: Assemble, Shield of Law, Forced Order, Repel Chaos (Earth) Petrify (Fire) Pillar of Fire (Water) Water Adaptation (Wind) Lightning Strike (Space) Force sphere, True location (Darkness) Decoy
Difficult spells: Create Order (Wind) Air Sphere (Water) Part the Sea (Life) Restore Life (Time) Rewind (Space) Force wall, Switch Others (Death) Bane against Chaos, Slay (Life) Protection from Chaos (Space & Time) Greater Disenchantment (Light & Life) Divine sanctification
Impossible spells: Creation (Space) Law Sphere (Wind & Space) Good Weather (Space & Time) Banish
Level | Abilities |
Beginner | Aura of Death, Sense Undead, Call/Command undead, Summon Denizen of Evil |
Novice | Frightful Presence |
Competent | Chilling Touch |
Adept | Vampiric Drain, Sense Life |
Proficient | Loathsome Presence, +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Expert | Immune to Death magick, +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Veteran | Treat Death spells targeted on you as healing magick of same level. |
Master | Speak with the Dead, +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Guru | Undeath |
+1 Guru level | +1 to previous ability of choice, per 2 levels over Guru. |
Normal spells: Inflict Harm, Pain (Earth) Weaken- (Water) Poison
Tricky spells: Black Shield, Drain, Malady, Curse (Earth) Weaken Resistance (Light) Phantasm
Challenging spells: Repel Good, Vulnerability, Wither, Ward of Bane (Earth) Kill plants (Water) Water to Poison (Space) Ranged Harm (Time) Slow Death
Difficult spells: Create Undead, Malediction, Vanquish Good (Wind) Breath of Death (Chaos) Bane against Order (Order) Bane Against Chaos, Slay (Water & Wind) Death cloud (Time & Space) Black Barrier (Chaos & Darkness) Doomwave
Impossible spells: (Fire) Soulfire (Darkness) Soul Entrapment
Level | Abilities |
Beginner | Aura of Life, Sense Life, Rebuke Undead, Summon Denizen of Good |
Novice | Soothing Presence |
Competent | Healing Touch |
Adept | Life recharge, Sense Undead |
Proficient | Awesome Presence, +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Expert | Immune to Toxins, +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Veteran | Maximize Healing spells targeted on you. |
Master | Divine Knowledge, +1 to previous ability of choice. |
Guru | Immortality |
+1 Guru level | +1 to previous ability of choice, per 2 levels over Guru. |
Normal spells: Heal Wounds, Comfort (Water) Cleanse (Earth) Bolster-
Tricky spells: White Shield, Renewal, Cure Malady, Bless (Earth) Bolster Immunity (Darkness) Healing slumber
Challenging spells: Repel Evil, Protection, Restore, Ward of Protection (Earth) Grow plants (Water) Poison to Water (Light) Enlightened Soul (Time) Regeneration (Space) Ranged Heal
Difficult spells: Benediction, Smite Evil/Undead (Water) Healing Waters (Wind) Breath of Life (Order) Restore Life, Protection from Chaos (Chaos) Reincarnate, Protection from Order (Time & Space) White Barrier (Order & Light) Divine sanctification
Impossible spells: (Fire) Cleansing flames (Light) Soaring Spirit (Water & Wind) Healing cloud