You must buy your techniques progressively; level by level. IE: You must buy your techniques for Beginner level before you buy the techniques for Novice, etc.
The technique difficulty available to the character is dependant on their rating in the discipline.
Clairsentience, Sensory based psionics.
Prerequisites: Mind +2
Stat base: Observation
Default Abilities: ESP, Empathy, Meditate
Beginner techniques:
Danger Sense: Allows for a defensive attempt where psionist would not normally have known about an impending attack.
Diagnosis: Psionist can read the location and severity of injuries or illness in a living target.
Empathy: Allows for the character to read the true emotional state of others.
ESP: Psionist is more conscious of his environment.
See Aura: Psionist is able to read specific things about a person.
Sense Intent: Psionist gets a general sense of a living target’s current motivation.
Competent techniques:
Aura Tracking: Allows psionist to locate an object or person at a distance if the character is familiar with the subject’s aura.
Detect Psionics: Character can sense the activity of others using psionics nearby.
Psychometry: Allows glimpses of the history of an object.
Remote Sensing: Allows psionist to see and hear something happening at a distance.
Proficient techniques:
Astral Sensing: Psionist can sense the activity of invisible or non-corporeal beings, items, etc, and astrally projected presences nearby.
Channeling: Allows for communication with the deceased using the psionist as a conduit.
Sense Alignment: Psionist gets a clear view of the subject’s central ethics.
Veteran techniques:
Divining: When meditating, psionist may seek out answers to unknown questions. Narrator’s option.
Precognition: Allows for a general sense of a future event. Narrator’s option.
Guru technique:
Premonition: Psionist occasionally gets specific flashes of future events. Narrator’s option.
Telepathy, Mind affecting psionics.
Prerequisites: Intelligence +2, Mind +3
Stat base: Intelligence
Beginner techniques:
Broadcast Empathy: Psionist can force a target to feel a specific emotion of his choosing.
Distract: Slight sensory affectation that breaks the focus of one target.
Mind Bolt: Psionist does subdual mental damage to one living target. The Mental Penetration = Intelligence.
Mind Barrier: Psionist gains temporary phenomenal mental fortitude.
Telepathic Contact: Initiates mind talk.
Telepathic Scan: Search for living presences in the area.
Competent techniques:
Mind Blade: A blade of incorporeal psychic energy is wielded by the psionist. Use Melee Combat to hit, ignores physical armor.
Mind Link: Psionist initiates a deeper level of contact where the two (or more) minds begin to intermingle, and thoughts and memories shared.
Mind Read: Psionist attempts to learn the surface thoughts of the target
Paralysis: Cause a living target to freeze in her tracks for a short time. Requires constant concentration to maintain.
Persuasion: Psionist can convince another that his words are truth.
Proficient techniques:
Bend Will: After establishing contact, the victim is merely a puppet, using all her skills and abilities as the psionist dictates for the duration.
Mind Blast: Psionist sends a focused attack of psychic energy to all targets within a certain radius. Damage is Non-Lethal Mental, and lessens the further the target is from "ground zero". Ignores Physical Armor.
Phantasm: Psionist can trick the senses of targets within range.
Telepathic Scream: Overwhelming scream stuns or dazes the target or targets.
Suppression: Psionist can restrain a target’s use of psionics.
Veteran techniques:
Mimicry: After establishing contact, psionist can perform skills of a living target nearby.
Mind Kill: Psionist does lethal mental damage to one target.
Psychic Vampire: Psionist can drain mental energy from others on touch, or at close range.
Guru technique:
Mind Wipe: After establishing contact, the psionist can suppress portions of the target’s memory.
Psychometabolics, Mind over Body.
Prerequisites: Observation +2, Mind +4
Stat base: Wisdom
Beginner techniques:
Camouflage: Psionist can alter the color and texture of his skin.
Disguise Aura: Psionist can mask his presence to the senses of other psionists.
Extend Limb: Psionist can extend one limb at a time.
Psychic Healing: Heal physical damage on touch.
Sensory Manipulation: Strengthen or weaken the senses of self or others on touch.
Competent techniques:
Adrenal Boost: Psionist can cause a brief adrenaline surge in himself or another.
Armor Skin: Psionist or another’s (on touch) skin becomes more resilient for a time.
Bolster: Temporarily Improve self or another’s physical attribute.
Metabolic Control: Psionist can affect the metabolic functioning of a target’s body, removing pathogens, causing illness, or even inducing sleep through massive release of fatigue toxins. At high enough rank, it can kill.
Mind Barrier: Psionist or a target (on touch) gains temporary phenomenal mental fortitude.
Proficient techniques:
Astral Projection: Psionist leaves his body behind, and travels as an invisible, incorporeal being.
Body Shaping: Psionist is capable of unnatural alterations of his body.
Inner Strength: Psionist reaches deep inside himself and performs a physical feat that normally he could not have achieved.
Mirror: An attacking psionist has her effect reflected back upon her.
Veteran techniques:
Possession: The psionist can leave his body and enter another person’s, supplanting her consciousness.
Psychopsychology: Enter the mind of another for the purpose of correcting mental ailments.
Stasis: Place the target into a state of suppressed metabolic rate.
Guru technique:
Restore Life: Bring a recently slain person back to life, fully healed. The drain for attempting this shifts to Lethal Mental.
Psychokinesis, Mind over matter.
Prerequisites: Cool +3, Mind +5
Stat base: Mind
Default Abilities: Telekinesis, Meditate
Beginner techniques:
PK Leap: Aids in any jump attempt.
PK Push: With mustered PK force, the psionist attempts to knock down a target.
PK Shield: Psionist can form a semi-sphere shield to deflect attacks from one direction at a time.
Telekinesis: Move objects with only the power of your mind.
Electrokinesis: Psionist can control, increase or decrease the flow of electricity in the area.
Hydrokinesis: Psionist can control, and alter the state of water.
PK Blade: Psionist creates a nigh invisible blade of force that he can wield as if it were a normal weapon. Uses Melee Combat skill to hit.
Competent techniques:
Aerokinesis: Psionist can control the air, and affect sound.
Levitation: Psionist is able to float through the air with only the compelling power of his mind.
PK Sphere: A sturdy dome of psychokinetic energy surrounds the psionist and his immediate area.
Pyrokinesis: Psionist can control and create fire.
Proficient techniques:
Photokinesis: Psionist can control light.
PK Limb: Psionist can form an invisible arm and hand of pure psionic force. The Coordination and Strength of the arm is = Intelligence + ½ PK Rank.
PK Ram: Psionist releases a focused ball of telekinetic energy, directing it at a single foe. Does non-lethal Impact damage.
PK Sword: A large, deadly blade of PK force is formed and wielded by the psionist. Does lethal rending damage. Use Melee Combat to hit.
Veteran techniques:
Astrokinesis: Psionist can bend and warp the fabric of space. Allows for psychic teleportation.
Chronokinesis: Psionist can bend the very fabric of time, slowing an opponant, or speeding an ally.
PK Burst: Attacks enemies at range in a radius with heavy amounts of non-lethal impact damage.
PK Wall: Psionist forms a potent fortification of psychokinetic force.
PK Wave: Psionist releases a concentrated wave of telekinetic energy in a cone shape. Does lethal impact damage. Observation + PK Wave to hit.
Guru technique:
Quantokinesis: Psionist can manipulate matter on a quantum level.