"Inward serenity heralds outward peace."
Male: 6 ft 1 in, 185 lbs
Female: 5 ft 11 in, 145 lbs
Population %; 50% Male, 50% female
Universal population; estimated over 3 Billion
Typical names; Family names are not seen as important as personal accomplishment. Male: Rhaelon, Tiamand, Liam, Meyach, Uathos. Female: Rhaela, Tiama, Liath, Meya, Uathi.
Typical Build; Tend to be slender
Typical Alignment; Ethical, Moral, Virtued, Lawful. Must take an alignment other than "Neutral". 'Chaotic' or 'Evil'
aligned Kafori may be persecuted by other 'Normal' Kafori.
Physical variance
Hair color will almost always be a light tone...can be any color imaginable. The most common hair colors are green, lavender, or platinum. Skin color is very pale compared to a Human's. Eyes are pupilless, and have a metallic sheen of silver, gold, green or other rarer tones. Other than on their heads, Kafori do not have any other hair on their bodies.
Phenomenal mental prowess & intelligence. Quick, intuitive reaction. Hieghtened Vision, ranging into the Ultraviolet. & Touch, Smell & Taste are sharper, Hearing is slightly higher range, edging into the ultrasonic. Natural psionic abilities: ESP, Detect Psi, See Aura, Telepathic Contact, Healing & Levitate. Highly resistant to and adept with psionics. Slight Magic resistance. Less resistance to Toxins. Pheromones, highly attractive, Vulnerable to Ultraviolet light. (Easy to get sunburnt)
Peaceful, balanced, serene. Very sharpminded and focused. Hard to distract.
Homeworld Data
Talitha III, known as B'Loett. The Kafori homeworld is absolute paradise. It has one of the most even, pleasant climates among the known Earthlike planets.
Dist; 49 lightyears from Earth.
55 hour day, 924.7 day year.
Fauna: Most lifeforms on B'loett are long lived, but do not breed often. Numerous species of herbivouous deer-like creatures inhabit most of the planet. Some predators exist, but none are larger than a small dog. Lavishly decorated birds and insects are common.
Flora: A huge, beautiful variety of plants and trees cover the planet. Luscious edible fruits and tubers are common.
Highly advanced. Kafori starships are known for superior speed, and sensor systems. Considered the leaders in computer and medical technology. Kafori tend not to build overly lethal weapons. Kafori anti-shield disruptors, stunners and pulse weapons are among the most advanced known.
![]() Yavess capital ship ![]() Jahronn-sha fighter ![]() Hirovami class shuttle |
Biological Data
Pulse; 50 p/min
Resp; 9 p/min
Temp; 88.3°f(31.3°c)
Atmosphere Req; 80% N2, 20% O2
Notes; Very efficient metabolism, herbivorous. Very sensitive to toxins upsetting their balanced biology. Adult Kafori are lactose intolerant. Kafori are known to be very heavy sleepers. They are geneally diurnal, sleeping very soundly for around 15 hours straight, during their world's 55 hour day.
Reproduction; Sexual, 11 month gestation. Mostly always single birth. Females only come into estrous for several days every 20 to 24 months. Reproduction among the Kafori is much more rare an event than for Humans.
Aging: Kafori have one of the longest life spans for a Humanoid species. They remain youthful for many centuries before succumbing to old age.
Child | 1-50 |
Adolescent | 51-108 |
Adult | 109-400 |
Middle Age | 401-700 |
Old | 701-730 |
Ancient | 731+ |
Record | Unknown |
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